
There’s No Gamble With Metal Pallets

When comparing metal and wood pallets, there is virtually no contest. METAL PALLET designed as an alternative to wood and plastic pallets to advance and solve problems with modern manufacturing methods. Business is a serious game, and profits and losses are determined according to the methods you presently use to operate your business.

Studies and comparisons have been made, and the results in every category are unanimously in favor of METAL PALLETS. But don’t take our word for it. Compare for yourself the advantages of METAL PALLETS over wood and plastic pallets. And you will decide as many other companies have, to use METAL PALLETS. We want to reduce your overhead and increase your profits. International Metal Pallet Co., “Better than Wood”, has developed a product to eliminate the gamble and change your conventional warehousing methods into cost savings values for your operation.

Comparison: Metal Pallets vs. Wood and Plastic Pallets

Wood and plastic pallets have long been the conventional choices for businesses across various sectors. However, let’s delve into why metal pallets surpass these options in terms of functionality, performance, and long-term cost savings.





  • Seldom Breaks
  • Hard to Contaminate
  • Easy to Decontaminate

  • Causes Splinters
  • Breaks Easily
  • Nails Protrude
  • Will Contaminate Easily
  • Hard to Decontaminate

  • Breaks Moderately
  • Will Contaminate Moderately
  • Fairly East to Decontaminate


  • Basically Inexpensive

  • Non-Existent at This time


  • Works Well With Conveyors Systems

  • Racks Out of Square
  • Pieces Jam Moving Parts of High Priced Equipment

  • Plastic Gets Chewed Up by Chain Conveyors


  • Easy to Make Different Sizes and Shapes

  • Easy to Make Different Sizes and Shapes

  • Very Costly to Make
  • Dyes for New Models Normally limited to Existing Models (Dyes)


  • Excellent for All Clean Room Application

  • Due to high Breakage, Hard to Keep Warehouses Clean of Splinters and Pieces  of Wood, Harbors Bugs, Fungus, Spores and Other Contaminates. Should not be Used in Clean Room Situations.

  • Good for Some Clean Room Applications


  • Gets Hot

  • Adds to Fire

  • Adds to Fire
  • Gives Off Toxic Fumes


  • Cold-No Change
  • Mild-No Change
  • Hot-Becomes Hot

  • Cold-Stiffens
  • Mild-No Change
  • Hot-No Change

  • Cold-Becomes Brittle
  • Mild-No Change
  • Hot-Becomes Soft
  • Direct Sun-Loses Oil and Becomes Brittle